Coming back!

It’s been a while since I posted something here, and I truly missed it. I would like to have a big reason why I stopped writing, but I don’t. Maybe working in the cultural institution was a lot and I lost the joy of experiencing movies and talking about them.

The hiatus from writing has been an enlightening period, leading to a rediscovery of passion for movies and TV shows. During this time I’ve finally started to think about myself and what gives me joy, and I figured that it’s talking/ writing about movies and TV shows. Don’t get me wrong, during this time when I didn’t post anything here I’ve watched a lot, of good or bad movies, and TV shows. I’ve re-discovered Grey’s Anatomy, I found a few shows that I really enjoyed. And one day it hit me, how much I miss writing.

So I’m back! But it’ll be a process, organizing time wisely and being consistent. I have some ideas and some movies which I would like to review. It’s weird to be back but also it’s so exciting!

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